About North Carolina DMV Points

About North Carolina DMV Points

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There are two important point systems related to driving in North Carolina.  There are DMV points and insurance points.  This guide will explain what North Carolina DMV points are, and how they affect your North Carolina driver’s license.  Click here to read about North Carolina insurance points, and how they affect your auto insurance premiums.

DMV points, or driver’s license points, are points assessed to you by the North Carolina DMV.  DMV points help the North Carolina DMV determine whether you get to keep your driver’s license.  Generally, your driver’s license will be suspended if you accumulate 12 or more DMV points within a three year period.  Also, when adding up your DMV points, note that if you are charged with multiple traffic violations in the same occurrence, North Carolina DMV points are typically only assessed for the greater traffic violation.  Below is a list of driving charges, and the amount of DMV Points associated with each charge.

Offense DMV Points
Manslaughter or Negligent Homicide Suspended
Pre-arranged Highway Racing Suspended
Hit and Run (injury/death) Suspended
DWI (.08 BAC or more) Suspended
Transporting Illegal Liquor for Sale Suspended
Highway Racing Suspended
Speeding to Elude Arrest Suspended
Driving While Revoked or Suspended Suspended
Aggressive Driving (Comm. Lic.) 6 Points
Aggressive Driving (Class C License) 5 Points
Reckless Driving 4 Points
Hit and Run (property damage) 4 Points
Passing a Stopped School Bus 5 Points
Speeding (75 mph or greater when limit < 70) Suspended
Speeding (80 mph or greater when limit 70) 3 Points
Driver Under 21 Driving after Consuming Alcohol/Drugs Suspended
At-Fault Accident (injury/death > $800, or property damage > $3,000) Suspended
Illegal Passing 4 Points
Following Too Closely 4 Points
Driving on Wrong Side of Road 4 Points
Stop Sign/Stop Light Violation 3 Points
Speeding Through a Safety Zone 3 Points
Driving with no Operator’s License 3 Points
Failure to Yield Right of Way 3 Points
Failure to Stop for Siren 3 Points
Driving with no Liability Insurance 3 Points
At Fault Accident (property damage > $1,800, but < $3,000) 3 Points
Speeding (>10 mph over limit when speed  limit is > 55, but < 76) 3 Points
Speeding (less than 10mph over limit when speed limit is 55 or greater) See Below
Speeding when limit is 55 mph or greater 3 Points
Speeding when limit is 55 mph or less 2 Points
Speeding in School Zone 3 Points
All other Moving Violations 2 Points
Failure to Restrain Child in Restraint 2 Points
At-Fault Accidents (injury or property damage < $1,800) 3 Points
Speeding (10 mph or less over limit when speed limit is less than 55) 2 Points
Littering from vehicle 1 Point
Non-Moving Violations 0 Points

There are circumstances, other than accumulating 12 or more DMV points, in which the North Carolina DMV can suspend your driver’s license.  Below are some, but not all, of the other circumstances in which the North Carolina DMV can suspend your driver’s license:

  • You accumulate 8 or more driver’s license points within a three year period after reinstatement of a license following a suspension/revocation for a traffic violation.
  • You are convicted of speeding in excess of 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, when the ticketed speed is over 55 miles per hour.
  • You are convicted of speeding in excess of 75 miles per hour where the speed limit is less than 70 miles per hour.
  • You are convicted of speeding in excess of 80 miles per hour where the speed limit is 70 miles per hour.
  • You are convicted of two or more speeding charges where your speed is in excess of 55 mph (and not more than 80 miles per hour), or, one or more convictions of reckless driving and one or more charges of speeding in excess of 55 (and not more than 80 miles per hour), within a 12 month span.

Generally, a North Carolina driver’s license suspension is for up to 60 days for the first suspension, up to 6 months for the second suspension, and up to one year for a third and subsequent suspension.

Kreger Law Firm’s North Carolina Speeding Ticket Attorneys serve clients charged with speeding and other traffic violations in Durham County, Guilford County (including the cities of Gibsonville, Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown, Oak Ridge, Pleasant Garden, Sedalia, Stokesdale, Summerfield and Whitsett) and Orange County (including the cities of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough).